17 ianuarie 2010

vine primavara ?

18 comentarii:

chalupczok spunea...

a little ...:)

isabella kramer - veredit spunea...

The Snowdrop

Already the Snowdrop dares appear,
The first pale blossom of th' unripen'd year;
As Flora's breath, by some transforming power,
Had chang'd an icicle into a flower,
Its name and hue the scentless plant retains,
And winter lingers in its icy veins.

The first flowers are always the most magical and snowdrops are the princesses, your delicate images are absolutely fantastic.



Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (1743-1825)

marcu spunea...

Ce bine ar fi! M-am saturat de vremea asta asa de schimbatoare.


ce frumosi sunt

Anonim spunea...

cele 4 anotimpuri s-au dus in concediu, cel mai probabil pe Marte :)

frumoase cadre...ti-am mai zis ca-mi place Super Macro-ul tau!

Laura spunea...


The Lly Dilettante spunea...

Ooo lovely flowers. Great shots.

Espresso spunea...

Early Spring :)

➔ Sill Scaroni spunea...

Very beautiful, I love flowers ...

Congratulations on the blog.

Anonim spunea...

What lovely photos you have & the flowers are fantastic! Great shots

Anonim spunea...

Thanks so much for the add & i'm following you now, too!

Flores La Plaza spunea...

¡que guapas!

Fotochip spunea...

N-am mai vazut un ghiocel de 20 de ani...

fotolucian spunea...

Ghioceii sunt de vis,foarte bine tras cadrul,sharp destul,felicitari.Ce bine ar fi sa vina primavara.

samyk spunea...

Hey cool blog and really nice photos !!! :)


Alexandra Roxana spunea...

aduci primavara in casa oamenilor reusite cadre

beatrice De spunea...

Ces fleurs, des * perce-neige* annonce le printemps. Ce que je vois pas encore ici.

These flowers are annoncing spring... but here I can'nt see anything lake that. So cold ! In my studio, it is cooler inside than outside.

A little hello from Lausanne in Switzerland.

dandelionlover spunea...

Dor de flori...