25 septembrie 2015

mountain dew

17 comentarii:

Timi spunea...

It's beautiful!!!

florin spunea...

thank you!

Unknown spunea...

fresh; beautiful

angi spunea...

Si-a pus crenguta diamantele de imprumut.
Cata prospetime emana imaginile!

florin spunea...

thank you, Jorge!

florin spunea...

Mulțumesc Angi,
cred că se pregătesc crenguțele de blănița albă ...

Charlene N. K. spunea...

Amazing shots!

florin spunea...

Thanks, Charlene!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure spunea...

Love the morning dew shots

Latane Barton spunea...

You captured every single little dew droplet. Amazing.

florin spunea...

thank you very much!

Unknown spunea...

Gorgeous! I love the waterdrops.

florin spunea...

thank you, I'm glad you like it

Noke spunea...

Sehr schöne Bilder.


florin spunea...

vielen dank, Noke!


ADRIAN spunea...

This is the sort of images I enjoy.

florin spunea...

thank you very much, Adrian I'm glad you like it