6 septembrie 2015

skyscape ...

15 comentarii:

Unknown spunea...

great work

florin spunea...

thank you!

Noke spunea...

Schöne Bilder von den Wolken und dem wechselnden Licht.


florin spunea...

thank you very much, Noke!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure spunea...

the way the light catches the clouds is amazingly beautiful.

Mersad spunea...

Such stunning display of beauty.

Thanks so much for linking in with Through My Lens.

Mersad Donko Photography

A Bit of the Blarney spunea...

I'm let speechless by the beauty of your photos! Thank you!

Latane Barton spunea...

The sky is ever changing. What beauty there is in the cloud formations and all the colors.

NatureStop spunea...

Greetings from Dubai!!I love your Header. Beautiful skies and so well captured! Will be back soon! Have a great week ahead and will be back soon.


A Colorful World spunea...

Wonderful shots! Really beautiful skies! I also love your header photo!

florin spunea...

thank you very, very much! I appreciate!
have a great week!


angi spunea...

E greu sa-i rezisti unei asemenea frumuseti!
Saptamana frumoasa sa ai!

betty-NZ spunea...

Clouds are always amazing with their shapes and colors. What wonderful clouds you captured!

florin spunea...

mulțumesc frumos, Angi! asemenea îți doresc!!

florin spunea...

thank you very much, Bettyl-